Ho Chi Minh Vo Nguyen Giap Indochinese Communist Party Vietnam Quoc Dan Nang Vietminh - The League for the Independence of Vietnam (Vietnam Doc Lap Dong Minh) OSS Vichy France Emperor Boa Dai Tonkin Region Hanoi Conchinchina Saigon Thirty Year War Franco-Vietminh Accords of 1946 Republic of Conchinchina Domino Theory NSC-124/2 Navarre Plan Dienbienphu Geneva Accords of 1954 DMZ Ngo Dinh Diem Republic of Vietnam ARVN Democratic Republic of Vietnam Ngo Dinh Nhu and Madame Nhu 1956 Vietnam election “Tiger Cages” Front National pour la Libération - FNL Vietcong NVA Strategic Hamlet Program November 2nd Coup (1963) Lyndon B. Johnson National Security Advisor Memorandum NSAM-288 Operations Plan 37-64 (Oplan 37-64) Gulf of Tonkin Incident Tonkin Gulf Resolution Tet Offensive (1968) Chicago Riots |