Civilization Wars (Clash of
Civilizations Part 1)
Pentateuch - Old Testament
New Testament
Qur'an (Koran)
Abrahamic Religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam
The First Crusade (1096-1099)
Religious Wars (1517-1648)
Roman Catholic Popes as king-makers
Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther
Thirty Year War 1608-1648
Peace [Treaty] of Westphalia 1648
Westphalian State System
Dynastic Wars 1688–1748
Louis XIV
Seven Year War
French Revolution 1789
Ideological Wars Part I (1792-1815)
Monarchism vs. Republicanism
"Realm" vs. "Nation"
"subject" vs. "citizen"
international relations
French Revolution 1789
French Revolutionary Wars 1792-1802
Napoleonic Wars 1803-1815
French Revolution 1789
French Revolutionary Wars 1792-1802
Napoleonic Wars 1803-1815
Wars of Colonial Conquest (1492-1945)
Prince Klemens Wenzel von Metternich
Metternich Doctrine -
Balance of Power Theory
Emergence of the Great Powers
Wars of Balance of Power (1848-1918)
National Revolutions 1848 - The Middle Class Revolutions
Karl Marx - Communism
International Organizations -
Laws of Warfare - Geneva Convention - Hague Convention -
Postal Union - Red Cross
Telegraph - Steam Power - mass print media - democracy and public opinion
"Four Great Industrial Wars"
Crimean War 1854 - 1856
American Civil War 1861 - 1865
Austro-Prussian War 1866
Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871
Emergence of the United States of America and its Foreign Policy
American Revolution 1776
Monroe Doctrine
Manifest Destiny
American Expansionism
Mexican American War 1846-1848
American Civil War 1861-1865
U.S. Admiral Perry and the Black Ships Japan 1858
Spanish-American War 1898
Central Powers
"The Great War" First World War World War I (1914-1918)
US entry into WWI April 1917
Woodrow Wilson
Paris Peace Conference - Versailles Treaty 1919
Wilson's Fourteen Points
League of Nations
collective security
isolationism (non entanglement)
Great Depression
Dirty Thirties / the Low Dishonest Decade
Ideological Wars Part II 1930 - 1945
Rise of Fascism - National Socialism (Nazis)
Adolf Hitler
Benito Mussolini
Japanese Imperial Military Junta
Hideki Tojo
Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945)
Rape of Nanking (Dec 1937 - Jan 1938)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt—FDR
Second World War (World War II) 1939-1945
Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941
Operation Torch, Nov. 1942
US Military Strength at
end of World War II |
Imperial Russia as a Great Power and the Russian
Revolutions 1812 - 1924
Tsar Nicholas I
"gendarme of Europe"
post-1848 Constitutional Monarchies vs. Russian Absolute Monarchy
Ottoman Empire
Dardanelle Straits
Black Sea
Crimean War (1853-56)
"industrial wars"
Tsar Alexander II
Tsar Nicholas II
Russo-Japanese War of 1905
Port Arthur
Battleship Potemkin
1905 Russian Revolution
Marxist Bolshevik faction of Russian Social Democratic Party
February Revolution of 1917
Abdication of the Tsar
Provisional Russian Republic
October "Revolution" of 1917
the sealed railway car
Vladimir Illych Ulyanov -- Lenin
Russian Civil War 1918-1923
Red Army - White Army
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Russian Intervention
Diplomats Plot
Shield of the Revolution
Cheka - GRU - NKVD - KGB - FSB/SVR
class war
Back in the USA - 1880 - 1920
trade unionism
“conspiracy to restrict trade”
Haymarket Square Bombing (Riot)
US Attorney General Mitchell Palmer
Assassination of William McKinley (Sept 1901)
The Rise of the "Administrative Security State"
J. Edgar Hoover
Espionage Act of 1917 & Sedition Act of 1918
Eugene Debs
Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W.) "Wobblies"
Red Scare
1919 Anarchist Bombings
Palmer Raids
American Civil Liberties Union – the ACLU
Mario 'Mike' Buda (Buda's Wagon)
Wall Street Bombing September 1920
Back in the USSR - 1924-1939
Bipolar World - Communism vs. Free Enterprise Capitalism
(Communal Totalitarianism vs. Capitalist Democracy)
Nikolai Bukharin Leon Trotsky "Revolutionary Maxism" vs. Joseph Stalin
"socialism in one country"
Great Terror 1937
Tripolar World -- Communism vs. Free Enterprise Capitalism vs. Fascist National
(Communal Totalitarianism vs. Capitalist Democracy vs. Totalitarian
State-Corporate Capitalism)
Wiemar Republic and Hitler's electoral campaigns
"Germany Awake" "Making Germany Great Again"
Third Reich (Third Empire) Nazi German Racial Police State 1933-1945
Nuremberg Trials 1946-1950
Crimes Against Peace (Conspiracy to Commit Aggression)
War Crimes
Crimes Against Humanity (Genocide)
Nazi Foreign Policy
"quiet aggression"
Munich Agreement 1938 ("Munich")
SS Gestapo
Concentration Camps
Soviet-Nazi Non-Aggression Treaty (Ribbentrop Pact/Stalin-Hitler Pact)
Blitzkrieg Poland September 1, 1939
Partition of Poland
Blitzkrieg in the West 1940
Fall of France
Vichy France
Operation Sea Lion
Operation Barbarossa
June 2, 1941
"The Big Three"
Elbe Link-up
Berlin 1945
Partition of Germany and Berlin
Berlin Wall (1961)