[Al-Gaddafi / ALGathafi / Qaddafi] speech to the
United Nations General Assembly 23/9/2009
and translated courtesy of The Jamahiriya News Agency "Jana"
In the
name of God.
Ladies and gentlemen, members of the General Assembly of the United Nations:
I greet you on behalf of the African Union, and I pray that this will be a
historic convention in the life of the world.
On behalf of the General Assembly of the United Nations, chaired by
[possibly missing 3rd
paragraph – below is 2nd or 4th]
We do not flatter nor make
diplomatic statements ..we are not scared nor can we
compromise when it comes to the destiny of the world.
We now talk about the destiny of the world ..the
destiny of the planet and the human race ..when it
comes to these crucial issues there can be no flattering, procrastination or
hypocrisy because that led to 65 wars after establishment of the United Nations.
The preamble says if force is used there should be a United Nation force..
a common force ..a UN war
staff not just one country or two or three..the
United Nations together should decide whether to use force to keep world peace.
If aggression occurred against one country after 1945 when the organisation was
set up, the UN will come to its defence and repel the aggression.
We are committed to defend the sovereignty of nations in a collective fashion,
but that did not prevent the outbreak of 65 wars of aggression with the UN doing
nothing to curb them, including eight major wars that claimed the lives of
millions of people, perpetrated by a veto holding member of the Security
The states that we thought would repel aggression protect peoples turned out to
the ones that used aggressive force while enjoying the veto.
[5th Paragraph:]
There is nothing in this
Charter that allow the United Nations to interfere in internal sovereignty of
another country .
In other words , ruling system is internal affair ,
no one else has the right to interfere in it and it is the responsibility of the
concerned society to have dictatorial, democratic, socialist , capitalist ,
reactionary or progressive system . It is an internal affair
[possibly missing
paragraphs 6-9 (no more is missing after this)]
The Security Council is
merely an executive body of the resolutions of the UN General Assembly, and when
the Security Council becomes a mere executive body, there would be no
competition for the Council seats.
The Security Council should be represent all nations, and not by a nation, what
is presented now to the General Assembly is a permanent for every space...every
- A permanent seat in the Security Council for the 27 EU countries.
- A permanent seat for the 53 AU countries.
- A permanent seat for Latin America Union.
- A permanent seat for ASEAN 10+2+3+4.
- The
- The American Union, which is 50 states "
- A permanent seat for SARC, if established.
- We have the G.100, we're thinking about it, perhaps the small nations "Forum
for Small States" "FSS" could also have a permanent seat.
And there are other nations out of the unions I have mentioned, a permanent seat
could be given alternatively every six month or every year.
This is what's presented
to the General Assembly for voting.
This is the decisive essential issue, presented to the General Assembly the
master of the world...the world's is the world's congress, no
one opposes it and we will not recognize anyone outside the hall, we're the
United Nations.
Ali Traiki and Ban Ki-moon
will make the administrative and legal drafts, form committees that will vote on
this issue, the Security Council, from now on, will formed of unions.
This is justice and democracy and we're finished with the Security Council which
is occupied by certain possess atomic bomb, another possess
economic power, other possess technology, and another possess technique...this
is terrorism.
We cannot live in a Security Council dominated by those with overwhelming
powers...this is terrorism.
This is if you want a world that lives in united and secure and peaceful, and if
you want to us to live in terrorism, live in conflict...let us continue conflict
until judgment day.
All of these seats should have veto, or there should be no veto.
The Security Council in form should either all the union seats have a veto or
annul veto from the Security Council with its new form.
This is the genuine Security Council.
In any case, the Security Council with its new form is presented for
vote, it is an executive instrument for the General
Sovereignty is for
nations...for 190 nation that are present...this is
how all nations should be equal in the Security Council, just as in the General
We in the General Assembly have equal votes, we
should also be equal in the adjacent room, the Security Council.
But for a nation to have veto power...and another does not, a nation to have a
permanent seat and another that does not, this is annulled as of now, we
absolutely do not recognize this and we will not be subject to any resolution
passed by the Security Council with its current form.
Now, we've come...we're colonized...we're under trusteeship, now we have gained
independence and united, we want to determine the world's destiny in a
democratic way that preserves peace and security for all peoples equally, small
and powerful.
Terrorism is not only the terrorism of Al-Qaeda, the status quo is terrorism.
Recourse is only to the majority of votes in the General Assembly and not to any
other side, and if the General Assembly votes this, it becomes in force, no one
can oppose this or say he is above the General Assembly, and any who says he is
above it can leave the United Nations.
Democracy is neither for the powerful, nor the rich nor those who terrorize us.
The last word is for all nations equally.
As for now, the Security Council is a feudal security...a feudal policy for
permanent members, it protects them and they use it against us, hence, it should
not be called the Security Council rather the Terror Council.
Brothers, you can in our
political life when they want to use the Security Council against us they resort
to it, and if they do not need to use it against us, they ignore it, and if they
have interest in the charter to use it against us, they respect and sanctify it,
they search for the 7th chapter to apply it against these nations, and if they
want to carry out an act in violation of the charter they would ignore it as if
it did not exist.
It is unjust and terrorism that veto and permanent seat are for the powerful, we
can neither take this nor can we live under it.
Powerful nations have saturated interests in the world, and they use veto, they
use the force of the UN to protect their interests...this is terrorizing the
third world, the third world is now terrorized, they are living under terrorism.
Since the Security Council was established in 1945 and until now it didn't
provide security for us, rather provided punishments and is only
used against us, therefore, we are not obliged to obey Security Council
resolutions as from the fortieth speech.
65 wars were waged since the establishment of the Security Council...against
small nations, or fighting against each other, or an aggression by superpower
against a small nation, the Security Council did not deter a violation of the
The General Assembly will
vote on these historic solutions and afterwards we could either continue
together or be divided in two: equal nations that have their own assembly and
Security Council, and veto-wielding powers remain in their council of four, five
or three, as they want, we're not with them, they should apply veto against each
other...this does not concern us, and remain permanently in these seats, this
does not concern us, God is permanent.
As of now, we cannot remain under the dominance of the veto-wielding powers,
which they gave themselves.
We did not give them this, we would be fools to give veto and permanent seats to
a group of nations, and discredit other nations and consider them inferior and
despicable, and say they do neither deserve permanent seats nor veto power.
Why do we degrade nations?!
We did not decide this, certain nations are sanctified and respected...these are
the nations of the world...they are 190 nations.
You realize that now there is disregard to Security Council resolutions after we
were assured that it is only used against us and never used against superpowers.
The Security Council could never be use against veto-wielding powers...there
could never be a resolution against the superpowers.
Hence, it's created against us, and consequently, resolutions it passes are
being laughed at and ignored, this has become a farce for the United Nations,
now actions are being taken outside the UN: aggression, wars, invasion of
sovereign nations, destroying their sovereignty and independence, committing war
crimes, collective extermination and violation of the charter, and the Security
Council is there...not interested in the Security Council.
The important thing is
that every international group started to form a security council of its own to
tackle its problems and issues , . Henceforth, the
Security Council in its present form , attending this
session gradually becomes isolated .
- African Union formed '' MAS '' which is African Peace and Security
Council .
-European Union will form a security Council .
- ASEAN will do so to and so is
Non-Alignment Movement ( 120 ) countries is
considering this option .
This indicates that we have lost confidence in the current Security Council
since it did not provide us with security and , in turn , we resorted to
regional councils .There is no o0bligation on our part to obey the SC in its
current form in which we are not partners in it . It is undemocratic
construction . and
oppressive dictatorship and no one can force us to stay in this council or obey
its orders .
The United Nations has no
standing or any value ..nor any affect in the life
and the peace of the world .
The International Court of Justice has its decisions implemented on small
countries and on third world countries but not on the powerful. In front of me
are the decisions of the court which other countries refused to implement.
The International Atomic Energy Agency is an important UN body but the major
powers are not answerable to it..
it is merely made for us ..if it is
international as you say it should inspect the atomic stock of the nuclear
countries of this speech.
Ali al Treiki in the General Assembly will question
the Director of the agency and question al Braedei
to see if they looking into the stockpiles of these countries.
If they say yes these countries are subject to inspection we will be subject to inspection ..but if
not we will slab the door shut in it s face.
For your information ,
gentlemen, I called '' al-Baradie'' during the
Libyan nuclear bomb crisis - the ex- director before the current one , and I
said to him Mr. '' al-Baradie '' Are the agreements
on reducing weapons of mass destruction agreed upon by the nuclear powers , are
under your supervision ? and did they really reduced
abide by the reduction and are you aware of any violations regarding this matter
? His answer was '' Not at all '' . He told me that
he cannot ask the big powers on this subject .
Therefore, you only came to us, get out .
This is not an international agency .. It is imposed
only on us .
The Security Council is imposed on us , So is the
international Court of Justice. This is not United Nations .
This is not fair .. this
is not a security . this is unacceptable .
Regarding Africa, '' Dr.
Ali Triki '' whether they reformed the United
Nations or not and even before voting on the historic proposals that I presented
now before the General Assembly and it will be subjected to voting and Africa as
of now needs a permanent seat in the SC with full authorities as a compensation
for the past , even if the UN reform is not under
consideration .
This continent .. the
African Union , deserves a permanent seat as compensation for the past exactly
This is on the table and has the priority, it is immediately referred to the GA
and no one can sway that
Any one has an argument let him give me an answer and discuss that with
me . Who has an evidence to prove that the African
continent does not deserve a permanent seat ?!.
No one can give an answer .
It is proposed to the
general assembly to vote for the compensation of the countries that were
colonised in order that colonisation is not repeated and in order not to repeat
the robbery of the wealth of nations and not to repeat the immigration of these
countries to the nations that robbed their wealth.
Why do Africans to to Europe and why do Asians and
Latin Americans go to
We have a new African generation and a new Asian and Latin American generation.
They are after this stolen wealth and they have the right and we are incapable
of stopping them.
When I stop a thousand Africans going to
Africa deserves
compensation to the tune of 777 trillion that is seven hundred and seventy seven
trillion as compensation for Africa from the coloniser countries and
The third world is claiming its right in compensation in order that the
colonisation is never repeated and in order that any country in the third world
contemplating colonising other countries that it will be asked to compensate.
Then this state will say I will not colonise any state.
In order that colonisation is not repeated it has to be held accountable,
penalised and compensation must be paid.
The second point which I
hope to face patiently is rather sensitive. There will be some sentences which I
mentioned in brackets. Undoubtedly we the real Africans are happy and proud that
one of Africa's sons has become president of the
However I consider Obama as a beacon in the darkness for about four or eight
years but I am afraid things will come to the old habit because nobody
guarantees anything after Obama. Nobody guarantees it, not the chairman
nor Ban ki-Moon. We are
satisfied at present and wish Obama to be permanently President of the
We are not disputing the
speech delivered by our son Obama before me. He is totally different from any
American president. Americans in the past used to say we will send you cast
bullets and the mother of all bombs. This seems to be the grandmother of all
bombs. We will send you clusters of grapes, our
summer rainfall, the desert storm, rolling thunder and we will send you the
poisonous rose for
Imagine the president of the largest country which we are assured of and has a
permanent seat in the Security Council and we expect it to protect our
independence and defend us from aggression saying I decided to send the
poisonous rose to the Libyan children and anyone who smells it dies.
What is the poisonous rose? It is the lazer bomb,
airbourne by F111. That was the logic at the time.
They used to say we will lead the world and we will take on anyone who differs
with us, whether you like it or not.
The speech which was
thankfully made by our son Obama is totally different from the past. He calls
for abandoning nuclear weapons and this is something we applaud. He says
He says democracy could not be imposed from abroad, whereas the former American
President used to say we have to impose democracy on
This is an internal affair. It is for the state to be democratic or not. Each
state has its own culture and heritage. This is correct but this language was
not there. Accordingly we have to be quite alert to this sensitive point. The
world has to consider phrase 'multi polar world'.
There shouldn't be a multi polar world. There should be equal nations. No one
agrees to a world of multi poles. Why shouldn't we become equal nations without
any poles? Are we required to have a patriach? Do we
need idols? We don't need a multi polar world. This means the poles will clash
and we reject it. We want a world where all nations, large and small are equal
without any pole.
The sensitive point is the
seat of the UN. This headquarters. You have all come
from overseas and beyond the oceans and from beyond the continents in order to
get to this place. Why? Is this Al Quds? Is it the
The other good point is
that the host country shoulders the cost of securing the United Nations
headquarters and securing the permanent missions and securing scores of
presidents who come to this place every year. This requires strict security and
high costs and
I want to alleviate this burden. You have to alleviate the burden from
Suppose a presidential plane is bombed or a presidential car is bombed.
Terrorists could do it.
For your information this headquarters is targeted by Al Qaeda. Yes this
headquarters is targeted and we wonder why it was not struck in 9/11. It could
be involuntary. Probably the flights were aborted but the next target is this
place and I don't speak in a vacuum. We have scores of Al Qaeda members detained
in our prisons and their confessions are highly worrying.
This makes
This headquarters is
supposed to be transferred after 50 years to the other part of the globe. Fifty
years in the western hemisphere is enough. The next 50 years should be in the
other hemisphere and this could rotate every 50 years to the east, to the west
and to the centre.
The headquarters has been here for 64 years. That is 14 years more than the
presumed term for the transfer of the seat.
Of course this not undermine
This is proposed for a vote in the general assembly. Only in the general
assembly because article 23 of the agreement of 1947 says 'the UN seat is to be
transferred only by a resolution from the general assembly by a simple majority.
This means if 51 percent agree then the seat is to be transferred.
We are not obliged to tolerate all this trouble, to come from
I am surprised that my brother President Ahmed took 14 hours to come by air from
There are some
restrictions which annoy some people arriving from abroad.
One president has complained to me. They told him that the assistant pilot of
your plane could not come to
Another pilot complained to me as he was told his military body guard is not
allowed in
Another president also complained that his special doctor was not given a visa
because there was some problem and he is banned from
You see there are very
tough measures here. And if there is a state with a problem with
safe and you can go in every direction.
If voting results in
transferring the seat to the eastern hemisphere the next vote
be on whether it goes to
This is the logical thing and no one can object to it.
Then we say God bless him, he who brought this proposal and God bless those who
voted for it. Now we have got rid of the burden of 14 hours 20 minutes in the
air in order to come to this place. No one could say that
This is fine because it found someone to reduce the burden. It will be happy and
will get rid of the restrictions on delegations and the restrictions on the
seat. Further more the seat is targeted.
Then we will come to the
issues to be investigated by the General Assembly under the chairman ship of Ali
Al Treki. We hold ourselves accountable. We will
hold the United Nations accountable. Either it is over and
we begin a new United Nations from the security council to the general assembly.
This meeting is extraordinary. Even 'my son' Obama said this before me. He said
this meeting is extraordinary. It is historic.
Firstly the wars that occurred after the establishment of
the United Nations. Why was that? Where was the
security council? Where was the general assembly.
Where was the charter and why did it take place. These should be investigated
and rulings have to be issued with all the cleansing that took place. We will
begin with the Korean war. Why did it happen? It
claimed millions of victims. It was close of using an atomic bomb. The Korean
War is still there. It is like a time bomb and a new Korean war could take place
and nuclear weapons could be used. This is a serious issue. We have to try those
who caused the war with all its losses and who is to pay the
cost?Who is to be
prosecuted. Then we come to the
Why do we have states with a permanent seat in the Security Council with a veto
and these states attack other states that are member states in the United
This is a serious issue. We have to re-open the files of the Korean
war and the
We then come to the
Vietnam war. It claimed three million victims. The
bombs dropped in 12 days in the Vietnam war were more
than those used in four years during WW2. How can we keep silent about this?
This was was a lot more catastrophic than WW2 and
why did it take place even after we established the United Nations and said no
more wars. The wars took place but we can't keep silent. We are worried about
the future of humanity. We want to end this worry. We have our sons and
grandsons. We are discussing here in this world parliament. This is the destiny
of the world.
Then we come to the issue
This case has to be submitted to the general assembly. Noriega has to be
released. This file has to be opened. How could a senior member in the United
Nations attack another smaller country in the United
Nations. How could it arrest its president, kill 4,000 citizens and take
the president as a criminal and jail him. No one accepts this. This might happen
again. We should not keep silent. We have to investigate it as this could happen
to anyone. Anyone might be liable to his. Any country could be liable to this,
particularly when the aggression is made by a state that has a permanent seat in
the Security Council and is supposed to guarantee security.
Then we come to the war of
And this took place also after the establishment of the United Nations and the
establishment of the Security Council. This state called
the Iraqi war, the mother of all evils.
This has to be investigated by the United Nations. The General Assembly chaired
by Ali Al Treiki has to investigate the
Firstly the invasion of
From the beginning I told you the United Nations has to deter any aggression.
But when aggression took place against
In the beginning the charter was sacred but then the charter was put into the
dust bin and was ignored because they wanted to attack
Ali Al Treiki has to launch the investigations by
the general assembly. You have to reveal to the world why
Everything is obscure and we might face such a fate. We have to investigate why
Secondly after the invasion of
It is easy to say Omar Al Bashir has to go to the
court. It was easy for Slobodan to go to the court. It was easy for Charles
Taylor to go to the court and it was easy for Hussein Habri
and Noreiga. But those who
committed mass cleansing in
If this court was only to target us then we reject it and we don't acknowledge
it. Either it treats everybody equally or otherwise we don't acknowledge it.
Everyone large or small, has to be prosecuted in the
International Court of Justice if he committed a crime.
We are not animals on a farm or on a ranch to be slaughtered when they like. We
are nations that have the right to live in dignity to live freely and we are
ready to fight and face death but we could not accept this situation and you may
try us/
The third issue is the
death sentence. How prisoners of war are being executed. The Iraqi president and
his government, when they were captured, the states occupying
Do you know what the
people say? Some people say it is the American president and the British
president who were the masked gang which carried out the death sentence on the
Iraqi president and his government. This accusation will stay until it is
rebuffed. Why did they mask their faces. Why didn't
they show their ranks? Why did they conceal their identity? Were they ranking
officers, soldiers, a judge or doctor? How can we execute a head of state which
is a member state of the United Nations in this ambiguous
manner. So far we don't know who carried out the death sentence on the
day of Eid. Those countries which occupied
Whenever there is a death sentence those who carry out the death sentence have
to have a legal entity, legal powers and responsibility. Their ranks must be
known and a doctor has to be present. There are a number of conditions, just to
execute one ordinary person yet alone the president of a country which is a
member state. This is the
The fourth issue in
The General Assembly of the United Nations has to investigate the case of Abu
Gharib prison where the prisoners of war were very
badly treated and they were ripped by dogs and men were raped. This is
unprecedented. No one ever did that before – even the devil would not behave
like that. Prisoners of war were raped in the prison of Abu
Gharib in a country that is a member state of the United Nations. And the
instigator is a country with a permanent seat in the Security Council. What is
this Security Council? This is a humanitarian issue and no one can keep silent
about it. It has to be investigated. There has to be solution and the world has
to know.
Up to now my brothers, there are a quarter of a million Iraqi prisoners of war
in the prison of Abu Gharib and you have seen how
they were treated. We will not forget this and we will not abandon this issue.
It has to be investigated.
the war in
If the Afghans want to establish an Islamic emirate let it
be like the
If I want to deceive my
American and English friends I would not tell them this. But I would encourage
them and tell them go on, send more troops to Afghanistan and send further
troops until they drown in a blood bath because they will achieve no result in
Afghanistan or in Iraq.
You have seen what happened in
Who says that if the
taleban rule
Then after that Mr Ali
Tereki, the general assembly has to launch
investigations of the assassinations. You have to launch an investigation once
again on the assassination of Patrice Lumumba. We want this recorded in our
African history. How an African leader, an African liberator was assassinated.
We want to establish who killed him and to record that for history so that our
sons will learn history and they will known why
Patrice Lumumba the hero of African-Congolese liberation was killed. Even after
50 years. And that act has to be denounced and those responsible have to be held
accountable. This file has to be opened and we have to go back to the old
Then we would like to know
who killed the UN Secretary General Hamashold. Who
bombed his aircraft in 1961, the same year in which Lumumba was
killed. We want to know who bombed the plane of the
UN Secretary General. We want to know who bombed it and who had an interest in
Then we come to Kennedy's
assassination in 1963. The UN General Assembly has to open the file of Kennedy's
assassination. We want to know why he was killed. He was killed by someone
called Lee Harvey and someone called
We want to know why this
What I know and what the world knows and what we studied in history is that
Kennedy decided to inspect the Israeli Dimona
reactor to see whether it has nuclear bombs. That is the reason he was got rid
of. As long as the case in international in this manner and it concerns world
peace and weapons of mass destruction we have to open investigations into the
reason why Kennedy was killed.
You should also open the
file of Martin Luther King. This vicar who was a black activist and human rights
campaigner and his assassination was a conspiracy. This file has to
opened to establish who killed him and prosecute him.
And further more who killed Khalil Al
Wazir the Palestinian Abu Jihad. He was attacked in
a sovereign country, a member of this assembly. That is
How could we keep silent about such matters. If we
keep silent there could be submarines coming to our countries and we could see
warships coming to our coasts and pick up anyone they like without being held
Then we have the death of Abu Ayad. He was killed in
very ambiguous circumstances. Then we have operations such as Al
Fardan Operation and the Youth Spring Operation
where Kamal Nasser was killed and where
Kamal Udwan and Abu
Yousif Al Najar were
killed. These three Palestinians were killed in
You would like to know as
well why Maurice Bishop the head of
Then we have to open
investigations into the evil massacres of Sabra and
Shhatila which claimed 3,000 human victims. This
village was under the protection of the occupying Israeli army. Then a massacre
was carried out of Palestinian men, women and children. Most of them were
Palestinians. How could we keep silent.
The culprits are still living. They have to be prosecuted in the international
criminal court. But if the International Criminal Court is only targeting the
smaller states and
As long as the International Court of Justice is not respected and its rulings
not implemented and as long as the International Atomic Energy Agency does not
include all countries and the general assembly is doing nothing and the Security
Council is monopolised then the United Nations is nothing. There is no United
Then we come to piracy.
This phenomenon may spread to all the seas. It could become a threat like
terrorism. Let us tackle Somali piracy. I am telling you the Somalis are not
pirates. The pirates are ourselves because we exploited all the fishing grounds.
We undermined their livelihood. We undermined their economies and their regional
All the ships of the world, whether from
Anyhow I held a meeting
with the pirates. I told them I would make an agreement between them and the
world. The world has to respect the Somali economy area up to 200 nautical miles
according to the law of the seas. All the marine wealth in that area belongs to
the Somalis. The world has to respect this economic area. This is first.
Then second, all the countries should abstain from dumping hazardous waste in
the Somali economic area of the Somali coast and in return the Somalis will
abstain from attacking ships. We will draft this agreement and we will present
it to the UN General Assembly. That is the solution. The solution is not more
strikes against the Somalis.
What is worse is that their warships are preventing the Somalis from going into
the sea for fishing. This is the wrong handling, this is the wrong approach. Our
way of tackling terrorism is wrong.
Our handling of matters is
actually wrong. If the vaccination for swine flu is produced and there could be
more flus of God or flus
of fish then the factories that belong to the intelligence operate and they sell
at a high price. This is trade. They produce a virus and they spread it across
the world so that capitalist companies gain money from selling vaccines. This is
shameful. The vaccines are not to be sold. Medicines are not to be sold. You
have to read the Green Book. It does not allow the selling of medicines. If we
say the medicines are free and the vaccines are free and no viruses are spread
because it is they who produce these viruses in order to produce vaccines. That
is how capitalist companies work. This is the wrong approach. You have to
declare that medicines are free and not for sale.
Even if the viruses are real we should not sell the vaccines. They have to be
offered for free.
All these matters are
submitted in files to be discussed by the UN General Assembly. It has nothing to
do but this work.
Then we have the Ottowa agreement which bans the
production, the shipment or sale of mines etc
This is wrong. The mines are not offensive weapons.
They are defensive. The mines do not move. They do not attack. It remains
wherever it is planted. That means you went to it. Why did you go to it? I would
like to plant mines on the borders of my country because you are aggressing my
country. Let your hand or leg be amputated. I urge you to review this
Ottowa agreement. This appeal could be seen in the
internet, in the website Al Qadhafi talks. This
agreement has to be revoked or amended.
They want to deprive us even from the mines which are anti personnel. If I want
to plant a mine in front of my home or farm then this is my way of
defense. It is not offensive. You may cancel the
atomic weapons the missiles and inter-continental missiles.
As for the Palestinian
cause the two-state solution is impossible. I urge you not to speak about it.
The only solution is one democratic state for Jews and for Muslims for
Palestinians and Christians and all others – like
Firstly the two states are not neighbours but are overlapping from all aspects,
population, geography and so forth. There are no states. You can't establish a
dividing no man's land between them because it doesn't exist.
Look at the Palestinian youth. Look at Israeli youth. They want peace. They want
to live in one state. This is the way to end this headache which undermines and
poisons the whole world. The White Book has the solution for
The Arabs have no
animosity with the Israelis. They are cousins and they live with them in peace.
The Palestinian refugees must return and they have to live peacefully in one
state. It is you who make the holocaust for them. You burned them down in the
chambers of gas in
We have accommodated them, we protected them since Roman days and since they
were expelled from Andulsia. We also protected them
in the days of Hitler and from the gas chambers of Hitler. It is ourselves who
protected them and it is you who expelled them. You expelled them and told them
go and fight the Arabs.
Let us expose this reality. We are not enemies of the Jews. They are our
cousins. The Jews will need the Arabs one day but the Arabs will not protect
them as they did in the past. Let us have a look at what Tito did. What
Hadrin did. What Edward 1
did and what Hitler did to the Jews. You hate them and you are anti-Semitic.
As for
the issue of Kashmir in short in has no solution unless it becomes one
independent state to buffer between
Why do I tackle all these
issues? It is because we have to investigate these issues. Previously you have
submitted the case of Al Hariri, God have mercy on him, to the United Nations.
Why did you do so? Is it because you wanted to sacrifice the blood of Al Hariri
and you sold the body of Al Hariri in order to settle scores with
Therefore all the cases of Abu, Khalil Al
Wazir, Kennedy, Lumumba,
Hammershold should be transferred to the
United Nations as the others were.
At any rate the UN General
Assembly is chaired by
I will follow up this work with the General Assembly and with Ali Al
Teriki and with the UN Secretary General because we
will not be complacent and we will not be submissive regarding the fate of
Humanity has to struggle in order to live in peace. The struggle by the