The Truman Years 1945 - 1952
President Harry S. Truman (D) (1945 - 1953) United Nations Conference on
International Organization Permanent Members Security
Council Battle of Berlin 1945 VE Day (May 8, 1945)
National War Labor Board Manhattan Project Atomic Bomb (A-Bomb) Hiroshima - Nagasaki
VJ Day (Sept 2, 1945) Alfred Eisenstaedt Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 ("GI Bill") Battle of Athens Tennessee August 1946 Bowery Derelicts Flop Houses CBGB "Feminization of Despair" 'Bag Ladies' American Hegemonic Era
(1945-1949) The Bi-Polar Power Era (1949 - 1991) The Second American Hegemonic Period "Globalization" Post 9/11 Era 2001- ???? Post-2008 Crash 2008 - ???? American Regionalism
Midwest Region Mean Population Center of America Dust Bowl Rouge River Ford Factory "Fordism" Corporate Enforced Labor Discipline "Service Department" Detroit Kansas City Northeast (Eastern Seaboard) Region Shop Industry Trade Unions (Skilled Trades) Wall Street New York City Banking Ivy League Universities Old Boys Club W.A.S.P.
Digby Baltzell John Gunther Inside USA (1947)
Northeastern Cosmopolitanism Publishing Theater Music Television Housing Shortage "Urban Blight" West Side Story (1957 Broadway; 1961 Movie) "Slum Renewal" Low Income Housing Public Housing Projects (The "Projects") Cabrini-Green Projects (Chicago Housing Authority)
The Candyman (1992) Mixed Income Housing Inner Cities vs. Suburbanization Urban Expressways
Robert Moses
Jane Jacobs (1916-2006) Spadina Expressway Regent Park St. Jamestown Appalachia Shelby Lee Adams South Region ("The South") balanced economies vs. extractive industry sharecropping tenant farming segregation
Anti-miscegenation laws
Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896) Homer Plessy "octoroon" Detroit Race Riots (1943) Zoot Suit Riots (1943) Lynching Smith vs. Allwright (1944)
South West